thumbs down

Facebook Buttons

Social media vector graphics with “like” and “unlike” actions from Facebook. Social networking website designs in different bright colors. Square…

Facebook Dislike Button

Social media dislike button with a hand pointing a thumb down and “Don’t Like!” text. Alternative Facebook button for disliking…

16 Rating Elements and Vote Icons

UI Elements/ Icons for Rating or voting - hearts, stars, thumbs up or down, plus or minus

24 Greytone Control Buttons Set PSD

24 Light, medium and dark grey control buttons - Next, previous, newest, latest, add, subtract, thumbs up and down. PSD…

Green Modern Web UI Elements Kit PSD 11629

Dark green web Ui elements kit - buttons in 3 states, sliders, thumbs up signs, check boxes, radio buttons, toggles…

Chat Cloud Flag Thumbs up Social Icons

Comment, flag, thumbs up and down, social icons set (PSD).