mini music player

Dark Sleek Mini Music Player PSD

Dark minimal music player with attractive elements - psd.

Dark Minimal Music Player Interface PSD 12482

Dark compact music player UI for styling up your music app - PSD

Dark Mini Web UI Mac Audio Player PSD

Mac Mini music player interface with bold sleek controls. PSD

Clean Crisp Web UI Mini Music Players Set PSD

Precision UI mini music players set with timer tooltip and striped progress bar - light and dark version set PSD.

Creative Blue Music Player Interface

Blue mini music player with rounded image frame and subtle button effects. PSD

Bright Mini Music Player with Settings Bar PSD

Unique mini Mac music player with album, info and volume bar. A narrow settings and search bar allows for more…

Simple Mini Music Player Interface PSD

Sweet and simple mini music player with progress bar and player buttons. PSD

Dark Futuristic Mini Music Player PSD

Dark mini music player with current track, album artwork, slider with metal knob, and playback controls - PSD.

Fabulous Flat Andex Web UI Element Kit PSD

Exciting light blue flat UI elements kit - line chart for visitor views, content box with image, login, Twitter profile,…

Elegant Mini Music Player Interface PSD

Lightweight and compact mini music player in PSD.

Simple Mini Music Player Interface

Ultra simple yet colorful, flat mini music player UI - PSD.